Friday, July 24, 2009

Stampavie DT Call!

First let me say that, no, you are not seeing double! lol
I was so excited to find out that Stampavie is having a DT challenge! I know that it is a long shot to win, since there is so much talent out there, but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to design for Stampavie. I had planned on using the last 2 posts for their DT call, but Blogger is not being nice and won't let me link directly! So, pardon the repetition, but I am going to post the pics of my cards from the last 2 posts again, as these are the only Stampavie stamps I am fortunate enough to have anyway. Both of the cards are from Sarah Kay's collection. The first card was based on a sketch. The second was based on the song "Seasons in the Sun". I won't say more, because you have read it all in the 2 previous posts! lol Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Karen Sue said...

Hi Lynn,
remember me Karee Sue (from MFTA)
Your cards are beautiful, I love them
I also wanted to let you know that I placed my Time, and July ATC's in the mail last week and they are on their way.
By the way here's a link to my blog, if you want a way to contact me.